KRUCEK>News>General business continuity recommendations for coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

General business continuity recommendations for coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

Given the threat of coronaviruses, you must be prepared for various unexpected scenarios. Here are some recommendations to ensure the continuity of your business.

  • Communicate critical risks and events to all employees. The aim is to raise awareness of the virus and disease and prevent misinformation.
  • Review established processes and identify all operational areas and locations (especially those that are more vulnerable and at higher risk).
  • Identify the person(s) who will oversee the coronavirus-related business continuity measures.
  • Identify critical activities and activities that may be interrupted or limited to the minimum operational level.
  • Reduce activities that require direct contact between employees.
  • Provide personal protective equipment for all employees as and when necessary.
  • Develop a communication plan to inform employees in the areas of infection measures, personal hygiene and usage of protective equipment, food safety, hand washing and personal distancing.
  • Review locations that can be used to ensure business continuity.
  • Use a remote working strategy (make sure you have the appropriate equipment).
  • Identify your key suppliers and consider the risks in the supply chain.
  • Monitor current coronavirus-related developments, keep employees and other stakeholders updated and informed, and take appropriate action.
  • Protect and support employees’ wellbeing.
  • Assess the effectiveness of the measures on and adapt them based on the current situation as necessary.
  • Minimize social and economic impact through multisectoral partnerships.
  • Implement a comprehensive risk communication strategy and keep employees regularly informed of the evolution of the outbreak, preventive and protective measures for employees, and measures taken to limit risks.
  • Identify the key actors (organizations, health professionals, communities), gather their contact information and establish partnerships with them.
  • Actively monitor, detect, isolate and deal with any infection, preventing further spread of coronavirus pandemic.

General business continuity recommendations for coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (PDF)

Main sources: WHO and PECB

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