Controls Management

What is Control Management?

Controls management organises controls and supports the implementation of corrective action plans. Processes and external regulatory frameworks are structured to help you avoid the scrutiny and penalties that result from non-compliance.

The Controls Management Application helps organisations assess, evaluate and correct controls within the organisation’s scope, all within one platform.

How It Works

The Controls Management Application helps align standard controls frameworks such as ISO 27000, PCI DSS, HIPAA, their assessments and audit requirements. The application is designed to improve the accuracy of your controls management and measure audit processes by bringing together data from several separate sources.

This application provides you and your team with a single source of information to ensure compliance with your organisation’s controls and audit management framework. You can quickly identify and communicate deficiencies from audit controls audit, enabling faster resolution that protects your organisation’s reputation and finances..

Why You Need It

  • Simplify controls management and audit management tasks with standard controls frameworks, audit results and necessary tools on one platform.
  • Improve the speed and accuracy of implementing compliance controls by monitoring both performance and effectiveness and identifying gaps in controls.
  • Use of customisable, pre-prepared workflows to manage activities, requirements and gaps.

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