Employee Compliance: Policy Acknowledgments

What is Employee Compliance: Policy Acknowledgments?

Employee compliance is at the forefront in the context of continuous development. Ensuring employee compliance with all required policies, regulations and procedures in an automated platform will save you valuable time and resources that can be devoted to more critical tasks.

The Employee Compliance Application simplifies the process of recording and tracking employee compliance data in one place, giving you a complete view of each employee’s compliance awareness status.

How It Works

The Employee Compliance: Policy Acknowledgments Application is a single database of all updated policies, certifications and training requirements. This puts compliance at the fingertips of employees and your organisation, even when regulations change.

With this application, you can easily assign and track all employees’ real-time policy endorsements, certification certificates, and training progress. It’s a seamless way to identify non-compliance and take quick action to realign your organisation.

Why You Need It

  • Track and manage employee compliance with policies in one place.
  • Detect non-compliance so you can act quickly.
  • Easily submit requests to relevant employees to confirm policy awareness and remind them of deadlines.
  • Use customizable, pre-made workflows to manage employee progress on policy confirmations and certification attestations.

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