KRUCEK>News>New course and tool for risk assessment and treatment using the EBIOS Risk Manager method

New course and tool for risk assessment and treatment using the EBIOS Risk Manager method

We have added EBIOS Risk Manager (EBIOS RM) to our product portfolio – a method for assessing and treating digital risks, published by the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI) with the support of the EBIOS Club. It provides a set of instruments that can be tailored according to project objectives. It is compatible with existing reference standards such as ISO 31000 for risk management and a family of ISO/IEC 27000 standards for information and cyber security.

PECB EBIOS Risk Manager course

The PECB EBIOS Risk Manager course enables you to acquire the necessary knowledge and develop the competencies needed to master the concepts and components of risk management based on the EBIOS method.

Once you have mastered all the necessary concepts of risk assessment using the EBIOS method, you can take the exam and apply for the “PECB Certificate EBIOS Risk Manager”. By obtaining the PECB Risk Manager Certificate, you can demonstrate that you have the practical knowledge and professional skills to support your organisation in conducting EBIOS-based risk assessments.

Further information can be found here.

EBIOS Risk Manager application

For those interested in applying EBIOS RM in practice, we also offer an application that will facilitate the identification and assessment of primary and supporting assets, sources of risk, actors in the your organisation’s ecosystem, and strategic and operational scenarios, as well as risk treatments.

For more information please contact us.

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